Kourtney Terry worked in healthcare since she began her professional career out of college, but her passion has always been in the kitchen. When she had to choose between progressing her career or spending time with family—family came first, but she also saw it as an opportunity to pursue her passion. 
As a new mom, Kourtney found herself making her own baby food because it was convenient, and there was nothing as healthy at the grocery store. She realized that there were probably other parents out there who faced the same problem, and she saw a major opportunity. That’s how Taste-T-Love, her baby food prep company that offers natural and preservative-free baby food,
was born. 
Taste-T-Love offers convenience to moms who prefer homemade baby food, but don’t have the time, patience, or the know-how to make it at home. Kourtney's goal is to have Taste-T-Love become THE Ohio baby food company. 


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